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+48 75 734 00 54

Quarzwerke - your partner for ceramics

The Quarzwerke Group can look back on long and valuable experience gained in the extraction and processing of the raw materials quartz, kaolin and feldspar. As a result of this we are able to offer a first-class basis for the ceramic industry. Despite our already existing and pronounced expertise in this area, we attach great importance to continuing with optimization of the quality properties and processing properties of our products. For this reason, our varied portfolio provides optimal solutions for all areas of ceramics. This is also reflected in the successful new product developments of recent years. Modern and highly effective production technologies make sure that our very high quality is sustained. Another advantage: thanks to our various production sites we are able to offer our customers optimized solutions in relation to the logistics. Put us to the test!

Various deposits are the basis of our success

Quarzwerke Group has very individual mineralogical deposits. They are the basis for the high quality of our raw materials and also enable the processing and refining of products with very specific properties. Nearly all renowned tableware, sanitary ware, tile and stove-tile manufacturers, as well as the manufacturers of technical ceramics and insulators use for their compound and glaze batch compositions kaolin, kaolin fireclays, potassium feldspars and quartz powders from the company Quarzwerke. We are proud of this.
The kaolin range includes the super white firing plastic kaolins with good rheological properties for tableware ceramics and kaolins with excellent liquification and fragmentation properties for the sanitary ware industry. In addition, these raw materials are also constituents in white firing and super white firing tile compounds. An extremely plastic product is therefore available specially for the production of large insulators. You can benefit from this!


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Quarzwerke in Poland

+48 75 734 00 54